2014年4月23日 星期三

Natural Creation 天浩創意 - 平面設計 品牌設計 包裝設計 企業形象 廣告設計


天 浩創意的專業團隊是由資深品牌顧問、設計師、活動策劃及市埸顧問等精英組成。除了對設計質素的嚴格要求外,我們亦深明客戶於市場及不同媒體上突圍所需,當 中所顧及的並不單是純美觀或視覺上的範籌,而是於每個微細部份或主要概念上投放與眾不同的創意,以更活潑生動的方式讓信息準確傳達。同時有幕後強大的製作 及執行團隊作支緩,亦確保我們每個創作主題得以最佳形式展現。


•  品牌設計 / 傳訊及市場推廣
•  平面設計
•  包裝設計
•  銀行及金融
•  國內項目
•  教育界
•  酒店,娛樂及旅遊業
•  資訊科技及電信業
•  室內設計與工程
•  製造業
•  其他
•  海外項目
•  地產業
•  公共部門
•  零售市場營銷與服務業
•  社會服務

觀塘成業街6號 泓富廣場7樓10室

【 Natural Creation, 天浩創作 】,單張設計, 海報設計, 卡片設計, 傳單設計, 易拉架設計, 平面設計, 網頁設計, 包裝設計, 小冊子設計, 品牌設計, 企業形象, 形象設計, 印TEE,Brand Revamp, Brand Logo Design, Brand Renew, RE-brand, 品牌更新, 品牌重塑, 品牌設計, 品牌行銷, 品牌策略, 連鎖品牌設計, 品牌改造策略, cis設計, ci設計, MI設計, BI設計, PI設計, SI設計, PI設計, 多媒體設計, VI設計, 品牌諮詢, 品牌分析與診斷, 品牌命名, 品牌創建, 品牌再造, 標誌設計, 畫冊設計, 包裝設計, CIS設計,視覺設計, 品牌設計公司, 包裝設計, 品牌設計, logo設計, 店面設計, 廣告設計, 平面設計 ,網頁設計, 裝潢設計, 招牌設計, 展場設計, 商空設計, 設計公司, CIS設計, 平面設計, 型錄設計, 包裝設計, 展場設計,視覺設計,型錄設計,平面設計,包裝設計,品牌設計,網站設計, 平面設計, 推廣品牌, 企業形象, 產品設計, 品牌建立, 包裝設計, 商標, Logo, 企業形象, Corporate Identity, 品牌設計, Branding design, 創意設計, Creative Advertisement,
廣告設計, advertising, 橫額, banner , 海報, poster, 傳單, Leaflet, 產品目錄, Catalog, Catalogue, 書刊, booklet, 小冊子, Brochure,
車身廣告, Car sticker, 報紙廣告, Newspaper Ad, 雜誌廣告, Magazine Ad, Print Ad, 易拉架, Easyroll, 拉網架, Portable Exhibition Stand,
節日裝飾, 商場裝飾, Shopping Mall Decoration, 圍街板, 立體裝置, 道具製作, Props, 燈箱廣告, Lightbox,
速銷台, 舞台背板, Backdrop, 牆身裱貼, wall sticker, 包裝袋, Packaging box, 包裝盒, 吸塑咭, 橫頭咭, Blister card, 網頁設計, web design,
咭片, namecard, business card, 展覽佈置, Exhibition booth, 店舖形象, shop imaging, space imaging, 招牌製作, Signage, 禮品, Gift and Premium,
餐牌, Menu, foamboard, 發泡膠板, 展銷櫃, pop, 指示牌, sign, 活動統籌, event management,
牆畫, 地畫, wall painting, 婚禮場地佈置, Wedding backdrop, Venue decoration, 請柬, Invitation,
食品包裝, Food packaging, 商業攝影, Commercial Photography

2014年2月10日 星期一

【 Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意 】, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 香港創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意


Natural Creation is a full-service event planning and design production firm. The firm manages and designs a variety of social,
corporate and non-profit events. In a very short period of time, the company's fresh approach and innovative thinking have
made it one of the most sought-after planning companies in HK. Natural Creation philosophy is that great events do not happen by themselves – there is an art to entertaining. Natural Creation highly reflect their client's sensibility so there is a strong identity and purpose behind them. Design, filled with unique and unexpected details, creates an aura of adventure and discovery. Alluring design then must work
in harmony with incredible food, service and music. This is the hallmark of a Natural Creation .


【 Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意 】, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 香港創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意


Natural Creation is a full-service event planning and design production firm. The firm manages and designs a variety of social, 
corporate and non-profit events. In a very short period of time, the company's fresh approach and innovative thinking have 
made it one of the most sought-after planning companies in HK.
Natural Creation philosophy is that great events do not happen by themselves – there is an art to entertaining. Natural Creation highly reflect their client's sensibility so there is a strong identity and purpose behind them.
Design, filled with unique and unexpected details, creates an aura of adventure and discovery. Alluring design then must work 
in harmony with incredible food, service and music.

This is the hallmark of a Natural Creation .

【 Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意 】


【 Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意 】, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 香港創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意
Natural Creation is a full-service event planning and design production firm. The firm manages and designs a variety of social,
corporate and non-profit events. In a very short period of time, the company's fresh approach and innovative thinking have
made it one of the most sought-after planning companies in HK. Natural Creation philosophy is that great events do not happen by themselves – there is an art to entertaining. Natural Creation highly reflect their client's sensibility so there is a strong identity and purpose behind them. Design, filled with unique and unexpected details, creates an aura of adventure and discovery. Alluring design then must work
in harmony with incredible food, service and music. This is the hallmark of a Natural Creation .


Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意, 平面設計

Natural Creation | 天浩創作 | 天浩創意 | 香港 | 創意公司 | 創作公司 | 設計 | 活動 | 創意 | 

【 Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意 】平面設計, 廣告設計, 創意公司, 創作公司, 活動公司, 推廣品牌, 品牌策略, 包裝設計, 企業形象, 商標設計


【 Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意 】, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 香港創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意
Natural Creation is a full-service event planning and design production firm. The firm manages and designs a variety of social,
corporate and non-profit events. In a very short period of time, the company's fresh approach and innovative thinking have
made it one of the most sought-after planning companies in HK. Natural Creation philosophy is that great events do not happen by themselves – there is an art to entertaining. Natural Creation highly reflect their client's sensibility so there is a strong identity and purpose behind them. Design, filled with unique and unexpected details, creates an aura of adventure and discovery. Alluring design then must work
in harmony with incredible food, service and music. This is the hallmark of a Natural Creation .


Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意, 平面設計

Natural Creation | 天浩創作 | 天浩創意 | 香港 | 創意公司 | 創作公司 | 設計 | 活動 | 創意 | 

【 Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意 】, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 香港創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意

【 Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意 】, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 香港創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意

Natural Creation is a full-service event planning and design production firm. The firm manages and designs a variety of social,
corporate and non-profit events. In a very short period of time, the company's fresh approach and innovative thinking have
made it one of the most sought-after planning companies in HK.
Natural Creation philosophy is that great events do not happen by themselves – there is an art to entertaining.
Natural Creation highly reflect their client's sensibility so there is a strong identity and purpose behind them.
Design, filled with unique and unexpected details, creates an aura of adventure and discovery. Alluring design then must work
in harmony with incredible food, service and music.

This is the hallmark of a Natural Creation .


Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意, 平面設計

【 Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意 】, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 香港創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意

Natural Creation is a full-service event planning and design production firm. The firm manages and designs a variety of social,
corporate and non-profit events. In a very short period of time, the company's fresh approach and innovative thinking have
made it one of the most sought-after planning companies in HK.
Natural Creation philosophy is that great events do not happen by themselves – there is an art to entertaining.
Natural Creation highly reflect their client's sensibility so there is a strong identity and purpose behind them.
Design, filled with unique and unexpected details, creates an aura of adventure and discovery. Alluring design then must work
in harmony with incredible food, service and music.

This is the hallmark of a Natural Creation .


Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意, 平面設計

Natural Creation | 天浩創作 | 天浩創意 | 香港 | 創意公司 | 創作公司 | 設計 | 活動 | 創意 | 平面設計,

2014年2月7日 星期五

【 Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意 】, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 香港創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意

【 Natural Creation, 天浩創作, 天浩創意 】, 香港, 創意公司, 創作公司, 香港創作公司, 設計, 活動, 創意

Natural Creation is a full-service event planning and design production firm. The firm manages and designs a variety of social,
corporate and non-profit events. In a very short period of time, the company's fresh approach and innovative thinking have
made it one of the most sought-after planning companies in HK.
Natural Creation philosophy is that great events do not happen by themselves – there is an art to entertaining.
Natural Creation highly reflect their client's sensibility so there is a strong identity and purpose behind them.
Design, filled with unique and unexpected details, creates an aura of adventure and discovery. Alluring design then must work
in harmony with incredible food, service and music.

This is the hallmark of a Natural Creation .
